Debunking 5 Common myths about structural steel

Debunked 5 common myths


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As you start over your journey of building construction, you are prone to meet hundreds of people holding thousands of views about the material that you use, especially your structural steel. However, amidst all these contrasting views, it becomes extremely pivotal that you understand the truth behind all the varying myths, to enable yourself to use your Birla TMT steel with much more confidence!

Let’s debunk these myths and gain a better insight in this metal that has revolutionized the construction industry,

MYTH 1: Steel structures are extremely expensive

The cost of any metal is decided by its buying price added with its maintenance cost. Therefore in case of structural steel, though I would admit that it might be costlier than its available contemporaries like Aluminum, aluminum alloys and occasionally copper, the maintenance cost against other elements is much lesser due to high resilience of steel.

Furthermore, not only is Birla TMT steel more durable and flexible, these prefabricated steel buildings can be constructed faster, hence saving a substantial cost on labor.

MYTH 2: Rust prone tendency of steel structures

Yes, it is true, steel structures are way more prone to rusting due to the presence of iron in it which tends to oxidize when exposed to water and harsh weather conditions. But the good news is that this problem is dealt with way before than it even arises through the process of Galvanization. In this process,  Birla TMT steel manufacturers apply a coat of zinc over the surface of the structural steel that can very effectively prevent oxidizing, and at the same time the maintenance and upkeep of such galvanized steel is also very easy.

Myth 3: Low temperature resilience

Well, for any metal is in nothing but natural to show signs of wear and tear when exposed to extreme temperatures and steel buyers often complain about this temperature resistance. Hence, it is important to understand that any metal structure must be insulated, to prevent them from experiencing expansion, contraction, temperature changes and temperature retention.

In fact, steel expands much less as compared to other traditional construction materials. Hence, for sudden temperature changes, steel remains the most ideal choice compared to other metal structures.

As a bonus such an insulation acn prevent excessive noise also in structural steel constructions. A proper installation of metal frame on fiberglass or other similar installations can also prevent steel buildings from unnecessary noise.

Myth 4: Structures made with steel cannot be modified

The truth is the opposite of this common belief! It is much easier to expand later as compared to wooden, concrete, or other structures. Moreover, being a galvanized metal, structural steel’s flexibility and versatility is much higher that enables the user to alter and upgrade their construction whenever required. Additionally, such structural steel framework can be modified timely to continuously update the aesthetics of the building as per the changing times.

Myth 5: Structural steel hampers signals of Wi-Fi/radio etc.

Agreed, construction metals do not always support the transference of waves and signals of data. But, scientifically speaking, Birla TMT steel continues to be an excellent conductor of such diffraction reliant waves, making our frameworks non-interruptive. Hence, the credibility of steel in maintaining signals is as well as any other structural frameworks.

Now that the myths about BirlaTMT steel are debunked, let us make our first move towards making a more informed and safer choice for a construction that would stand tall for years to come.


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